How to Use Sparklines in Google Sheets

Google Sheets
October 2, 2023


This week’s Google Sheets tip focuses on a simple but really cool feature: the SPARKLINE function. Sparkline allows you to add charts into individual Sheets cells. This article will guide you through the process of adding, using, and customizing sparklines in Google Sheets. We'll explore examples, compatibility with Excel, and advanced features.

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What Sparkline Does in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, sparklines serve as powerful, miniature data visualizations. 📈💡

Visual Representation: Sparklines offer a concise visual representation of data trends within a single cell.

  • Space Efficiency: Unlike traditional charts, sparklines are space-efficient, allowing multiple visualizations in a compact space.
  • Dynamic Analysis: With Dokin's integrations, leverage sparklines for dynamic analysis by connecting to real-time data streams.

Adding Sparklines in Google Sheets

Definition of Sparklines

Before diving into the how-to, let's understand what Sparklines are. In essence, they are miniature charts that fit into individual cells, providing a snapshot of data trends. Really helpful when you want to have an easy and immediate view of data trends.

Step-by-Step Guide and function Syntax

The Sparkline function has the following syntax:

SPARKLINE(data, [options])


Data: is the range of data or array for which you want to create a sparkline

{options}: includes all the options to customize your sparkline charts

Adding a Sparkline

  • Select the Cell: Choose the cell where you want the sparkline to appear.
  • Insert Sparkline: enter the sparkline function syntax: =SPARKLINE(data, [options])
  • Data Range: Specify the range of data to represent.
  • Customization Options: Personalize sparklines with various options like color and style.

Customizing Sparklines in Google Sheets

  • Color and Style: Modify sparkline aesthetics to match your overall sheet design.
  • Axis Configuration: Adjust axis settings to focus on specific data ranges or highlight key aspects.
  • Update Frequency: With Dokin, customize update frequency to ensure real-time reflections of integrated data.

Here is the full list of customization options for your Sparklines:


SPARKLINE(A1:A5, {"charttype","column"; "color", “green”})

The "charttype" option defines the type of chart to plot, which includes:

"line" for a line graph (the default)

"bar" for a stacked bar chart

"column" for a column chart

"winloss" for a special type of column chart that plots 2 possible outcomes: positive and negative (like a coin toss, heads or tails).

For line graphs:

"xmin" sets the minimum value along the horizontal axis.

"xmax" sets the maximum value along the horizontal axis.

"ymin" sets the minimum value along the vertical axis.

"ymax" sets the maximum value along the vertical axis.

"color" sets the color of the line.

"empty" sets how to treat empty cells. Possible corresponding values include: "zero" or "ignore".

"nan" sets how to treat cells with non-numeric data. Options are: "convert" and "ignore".

"rtl" determines whether or not the chart is rendered right to left. Options are true or false.

"linewidth" determines how thick the line will be in the chart. A higher number means a thicker line.

For column and winloss sparklines:

"color" sets the color of chart columns.

"lowcolor" sets the color for the lowest value in the chart

"highcolor" sets the color for the higest value in the chart

"firstcolor" sets the color of the first column

"lastcolor" sets the color of the last column

"negcolor" sets the color of all negative columns

"empty" sets how to treat empty cells. Possible corresponding values include: "zero" or "ignore".

"nan" sets how to treat cells with non-numeric data. Options are: "convert" and "ignore".

"axis" decides if an axis needs to be drawn (true/false)

"axiscolor" sets the color of the axis (if applicable)

"ymin" sets the custom minimum data value that should be used for scaling the height of columns (not applicable for win/loss)

"ymax" sets the custom maximum data value that should be used for scaling the height of columns (not applicable for win/loss)

"rtl" determines whether or not the chart is rendered right to left. Options are true or false.

For bar charts:

"max" sets the maximum value along the horizontal axis.

"color1" sets the first color used for bars in the chart.

"color2" sets the second color used for bars in the chart.

"empty" sets how to treat empty cells. Possible corresponding values include: "zero" or "ignore".

"nan" sets how to treat cells with non-numeric data. Options are: "convert" and "ignore".

"rtl" determines whether or not the chart is rendered right to left. Options are true or false.

Sparkline Google Sheets Examples

Sparkline Google Sheets Progress Bar

Transform sparklines into progress bars for project tracking or goal monitoring, with seamless integration with Dokin for real-time updates.

Sparkline Google Sheets Colors

Use vibrant colors to make your sparklines visually appealing, adding an extra layer of engagement to your data.

Sparkline Google Sheets Checkbox

Explore interactive elements by combining sparklines with checkboxes, creating dynamic visualizations based on user selections. You can use "winloss", in this case.

Google Sheets Sparkline with Text

Integrate textual information within your sparklines, making them even more informative and contextual.


In conclusion, Sparklines can transform the way your team interprets and acts upon data, making it easier to quickly see points of improvements, or where action is needed.

Did you know?

With Dokin's seamless data integration capabilities, the process becomes even more streamlined, as all your Google Sheets data is directly synced with your business apps like HubSpot, Airtable, Google Analytics, Search Console, LinkedIn Ads, PostgreSQL and more! Wanna give it a try? Get started for free!

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Jacopo Proietti

Co-founder @Dokin
Jacopo, a co-founder of Dokin, boasts 8 years in finance, having worked as a finance manager at Ogury and head of Financial Planning and Control at BlaBlaCar.
His passion for data integration led to the creation of Dokin, a game-changer for modern business teams. With customizable templates and built-in data connections, Dokin allows modern CMOs and CFOs to streamlines data reporting across Google Workspace applications.

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